
a Mumby Media website really is different!

a Mumby Media website:

  1. Is uniquely designed to represent the nature of your business, and limited by your imagination.
  2. Is responsively designed to render the same content beautifully on any sized device, in portrait or landscape mode.
  3. Meets or exceeds stringent criteria for performance, accessibility, best practice, and W3C compliance.
  4. Is written in native html, javascript and CSS; nothing more or less than is needed.
  5. Incorporates Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) by design.
  6. Uses a mixture of text and imagery to maximise information transfer and SEO benefit, and to minimise scrolling and page weight.
  7. Will generally use only resources from your own server; usually under 20 server requests per page.
  8. Loads resources in an optimised sequence for faster, smoother rendering.
  9. Doesn't load anything it doesn't need.
  10. Is helpful to search engine bots but downright nasty to spam bots.
  11. Can be edited by anyone using basic computer skills.
  12. Doesn't follow fashion.

... and as a consequence:

  1. Is blazingly fast (we aim for page loads around one second).
  2. Is Google friendly (usually 98-100 out of 100 on their Pagespeed Insights tool).
  3. Google Pagespeed Insights - Mumby
  4. Is "mobile-first" indexed by Google, contributing to page rank.
  5. Is more likely to be found in a search.
  6. Is more engaging.

a typical web design service website
(or a free website):

  1. Is designed and limited by the resources and capabilities of the software used.
  2. Is designed for a desktop, and may only be partly responsive or need alternative navigation and content for mobile devices.
  3. Looks nice (except to Google and Bing).
  4. Is written in software-generated code which is typically 10x more cumbersome than it needs to be, and includes legacy code for 20 year-old computers.
  5. Relies on a plug-in for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).
  6. Is heavily reliant on images, which have almost no SEO benefit, but cause more scrolling and ponderously heavy pages.
  7. Uses resources (including scripts, fonts, styles and graphics) from multiple servers overseas, frequently 100-200 server requests per page.
  8. Loads resources haphazardly, which can slow or interrupt page rendering.
  9. May load bundled stuff it never uses.
  10. What's a bot?
  11. Can't easily be edited without the software that created it.
  12. Quickly goes out of fashion.

... and as a consequence:

  1. Is slower than a wet week (some page loads over 20 sec). People won't wait for it.
  2. Doesn't rate with Google (often less than 20 out of 100 on their Pagespeed Insights tool)
  3. Google Pagespeed Insights - Other
  4. May not qualify for Google's "mobile-first" indexing, costing page rank
  5. Is less likely to be found in a search.
  6. Risks being faintly boring.